The price for a photoshoot of up to 2 hours starts at £80. This may be reduced or waived if invited by the photographer. You will receive a minimum of 80+ professionally edited digital images. These images are for your personal use only and may not be used for business purposes, for which a different scale of charges will apply
Shorter or longer and special interest photoshoots can be provided
Images uploaded onto your USB flash drive/SD card. A USB flash drive may be purchased for £5
Alternatively the images can be sent to you electronically
Booking fee: £10 by bank transfer, as part payment for photoshoot
Minimum age for clients is 21 years
When you arrive at the studio you the Client will be invited to complete and sign the following agreement. This clarifies the nature and scope of the photoshoot for both Client and photographer
Photographer: Hugh Richards
Email: Mobile: +44(0)7399 047224
Client Email:
Client Mobile:
Date/time of photoshoot:
Genre of images required: please tick and initial from the list below:
A portrait
B full body clothed
C partly clothed/lingerie
D artistic nude
E other – please state: [eg Wedding / fashion / sporting activity / theatrical production / party ……..]
Agreed price of photoshoot:
The price for a photoshoot of up to 2 hours starts at £80 if commissioned by Client
If invited by the photographer the price may be reduced or waived
I the Client:
- am satisfied that all necessary safety checks have been taken
- understand that while the photographer retains the copyright of the images, I can use the digital images I receive for whatever purpose I want provided I do not sell them or allow the images to be used for commercial gain
- agree that attributable images of me may be used on the studio’s website or exhibitions of the photographer’s work OR
- agree that not attributable images of me may be used on the studio’s website or exhibitions of the photographer’s work [Attributable means the client could be recognised from the images. Non-attributable means the client could not be recognised]
- give the following written guidance to the photographer as to the extent I wish to be directed:
- have read and completed this agreement carefully and wish to proceed with the photoshoot. I am over 21 years old
Signed (Client ):